Sour Cherry Gin Smash Cocktail. Simple Ingredient List.
6 sour cherries
1 cube sugar
1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
2 oz. gin
ginger ale
1 lime wedge
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Sour Cherry Gin Smash
1 Minute Video
Ingredients, methods and measurements may differ from those suggested in Birdy Slade's Cocktail recipes.
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Background and Origins of
Sour Cherry Gin Smash
The smash, a fruity and icy cocktail perfect for summer, has been popular for over a century. Originating from julep recipes, the smash is versatile and open to interpretation. Jerry Thomas' 1862 book "How to Mix Drinks" laid the foundation for the smash with his julep recipe, which combined mint, sugar, brandy, and crushed ice. By 1888, barman Harry Johnson directly addressed the smash as distinct from the julep. He offered various smash recipes, such as the Old Style Whiskey Smash, which included whiskey, sugar, water, mint, ice, and seasonal fruits. Johnson's smashes often resembled today's versions, highlighting the flexibility of the drink. The 1930 "The Savoy Cocktail Book" further defined the smash as a smaller version of the julep, with options to use different spirits like rum, brandy, gin, or whiskey. The smash remains an adaptable cocktail, allowing for various types of ice, fruits, herbs, and spirits, making it a refreshing choice for hot days.