Fast Cocktails - Corpse Reviver 2
Corpse Reviver #2 has an average of 155 calories and 27% alcohol content. The main type of alcohol is Gin.
Corpse Reviver #2 Cocktail Simple Ingredient List
• 3/4 oz Gin
• 3/4 oz Lemon Juice
• 3/4 oz Cointreau or Triple Sec
• 3/4 oz Lillet Blanc
• Dash of Absinthe
• Ice
• Cherry or lemon twist (for garnish)
Cocktail Guides
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Instructions on How to Make a Corpse Reviver #2
• Rinse Glass with Absinthe: Rinse a chilled cocktail glass with absinthe and discard the excess.
• Mix Ingredients: In a shaker, combine gin, lemon juice, Cointreau, and Lillet Blanc with ice.
• Shake and Strain: Shake well and strain into the prepared glass.
• Garnish and Serve: Garnish with a cherry or lemon twist.
Fast Cocktails - Corpse Reviver 2
1 Minute Video
Ingredients, methods and measurements may differ from those suggested in Birdy Slade's Cocktail recipes.
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Background and Origins of
Corpse Reviver #2
The Corpse Reviver #2 is a classic cocktail with a storied past, known for its potent yet refreshing mix of ingredients. This drink is part of a larger family of "Corpse Reviver" cocktails, which were originally designed as hangover cures—hence the name, suggesting they could revive even the most debilitated imbiber.
The most famous Corpse Reviver cocktail is the Corpse Reviver #2, which gained prominence during the early 20th century. It was first documented in Harry Craddock's 1930 "The Savoy Cocktail Book," a seminal guide that captured many of the era's best cocktail recipes. Craddock, an American bartender who fled Prohibition in the United States to work at the Savoy Hotel in London, described the Corpse Reviver #2 as a drink to be taken "before 11 a.m., or whenever steam and energy are needed."